With the recent release of "Studio X," Empier's Maurice "Docman" Robinson hasn't wasted a single second getting back in lab.
Doc's upcoming mixtape "Streets is Still Watching" is his first mixtape release since 2012, and he's is
anxious to give his fans something to vibe to.
"This is me giving the rap fans something to listen to," he said, "none of that Kool-Aid sing-a-long crap on the radio."
#SISW features Docman's hit single "Gumbo," which is three and a half minutes of raw poeticized emotion, and "One Love", both of which have garnered thousands of plays on Soundcloud.
Doc's mixtape is set to drop Jan. 17, 2016.
While you're patiently waiting, don't forget to check out "Studio X" on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Music.
As always, follow @EmpierEnt for the latest news and music from the artists.