Empier's highly anticipated release of album "Studio X" on Dec. 14, is nothing short of a brilliant collaboration amongst hungry artists and their top-notch lyricism. In 15 tracks, the album takes you from the streets to the sheets and lets listeners know exactly what this label brings to the game.
"We have some songs that are big on word play, some you can relax to, and others you can really jam out to," said Empier's Jay Shalé, who released her debut EP "More Than Love" in April 2015. According to the 22-year-old singer, the magic behind Empier music is the different personalities that go into producing their work.
"We don't just have one style of artist in our label so this album shows some of our diversity," she said.
According to Meetchie, the diversity in sound comes from the "smooth singing voices of JK, Jay Shalé" and "that rap effect from Doc, TBronz and Babyboy." The team of starving musicians says "Studio X" give fans a genuine testament of what kind of artists they truly are.
"To me, it's a novel put in musical form," she said. There's not one song on the tape that anyone can't relate to."
What can listeners look forward to? we asked Meetch.
"They can look forward to us holding nothing back on every song and genuinely enjoying the tape the same way we did when we were recording it!"
Stay updated on Empier's upcoming release by following @EmpierENT!